Would you like to join us on September 8th at the Abdij Keizersberg in Leuven? During the Open Monument Day, you can explore the Abbey and its history. With our workshop, we would like to invite you to create (self)portraits together with us: Anje (printmaker) Rachael (painter) and Andrea (photographer).
Anje Claeys, Rachael Tyrell & Andrea Handl
Sunday, 08/09/2024, 2-5 pm
Abdij Keizersberg, Leuven, level 4, A205
This workshop is for free.
Fabulous! Please register for the workshop directly through the Labora website For the reservation, choose Storylines in the drop-down menu. Click the button below to go to the registration page.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Do you have any questions you would like to ask us about the workshop? Please enter the form below to get in touch!
Do you have any questions you would like to ask us about the workshop? Please enter the form below to get in touch!